Blue autumn art or How Christmas breaks my heart

blue autumn thumbnail - christmas broke my heart

Winter is wonderful…

Let’s set the scene. There are lights, lots of stuff, colors, crowds of people on the streets. Lots of messages inspiring and guiding us during our holiday shopping, for the presents and for the preparations of the festivities. It’s autumn, and it all started just after Halloween. I love the lively atmosphere, but in all honesty, I’m not looking forward to getting to the day when I get all the presents. Not at all. In fact, I wish Christmas came later.

These times are great. With all the lights, the high vibes, positive attitudes… When shops do really look at its best. And it feels OK to slow down, to take some time, grab a hot drink and actually do less. Spend time with people. Sleep until later. And get creative thinking about gifts, and wrapping and setting the home for the events, or just for the cold. I wish Christmas came later.

Because it feels like those joyful days are the high spike of winter, the summit, the best of it.

Before it’s even winter

But all of that joyful winter activities start, and almost end, before the winter actually begins. Soul-crushing. All it is left during those following two months after Christmas is the hope that we may get some snow or skiing days, and, if the gods are nice, that spring will come afterwards. Or that the cold won’t be harsh, and we’ll enjoy plenty of sunny days. That’s the perk of living in the south of Europe and in the Mediterranean.

I do find beauty in winter, but every year, the blue months take a toll on my soul… And so it goes, until the day I’ve made it and I get to escape to warmer locations, because that’s the endless summer dream, right?

The start of the year also sets high expectations, with the new resolutions and small dreams. That’s until the motivation and thrill of starting something new wears off (which may happen way too fast).

Stay positive, look for the sunshine

Yet, we drive on positive vibes around here, so I’ve got a plan. We can’t skip winter but we are going to use it to our advantage, all right folks?! Yes, resolutions are hard. So let’s just make the plea for some short actions of self-love – and faith. And hope.

Of course, the main course of action for these low season is to use the low dark hours to slowly but surely make the stuff I always want to make but never find the time (procrastiworking?).

I’m also planning on deliberately “wasting” time on learning and trying random things I’d like to create, but planning on not being successful at them. Ignoring the perfectionist voice saying why even try to make sh*t.

And grow thick skin (not literally, precisely)

Finally, I’m gonna try, as every year I tell myself, to enjoy the cold. I must admit it, my threshold right now needs a lot of work. But if I could push through doing everything during the cold months (and getting out and cold and even cold and wet), I could certainly thrive during the rest of the year.

So, come winter, I accept the challenge! I’m not amused, but there’s really no other choice.

But until then, autumn mood should still reign

In the meantime, and in preparation for it, I’ve made a bit of art inspired by the season! (The actual current season – autumn). Check it out and download for your use and enjoyment. ?

This is the Blue Autumn single leaf. Download here

And here is the Blue autumn patterned design. Download here

Adjust the crop in your device as you please. The Blue Autumn single leaf is the perfect size for an iPad Pro and the patterned Blue autumn is the right dimensions for a desktop iMac, so you’ll find the quality is good enough even if you resize them.

You can find them on my Shop page.

Next, enjoy the last days of autumn… and prepare for the winter that will come after the Holidays 😉

If there’s something to learn and be remembered during these coming days is that hope should be celebrated!

I’m committing to an endless summer, may it be cold or hot. Will you join me?

Sea ya’ around, and have a wonderful time!

~ LS

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December 10th, 2022


Create, Dream

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