Let it fall

We’ve entered the Christmas mood season, so fall is almost a thing of the past—almost. And what a fall it was this year! Here in Tarragona, recent fall seasons have been mostly hot and sunny. This year, though, we had a good amount of rain. Unfortunately, that meant I couldn’t extend the beach season. Last year, I even swam in the sea on November 1st (and I don’t enjoy the cold!). This year, I can’t say exactly, but it must have ended several weeks earlier. A pity.

On the bright side, the autumnal weather has been perfect for slowing down, spending more time indoors, reflecting, and getting creative.

The landscape has stayed beautiful, thanks to the much-needed rain (a blessing, given our ongoing drought). The greens were vibrant, and perhaps it’s just me, but I noticed plenty of flowers as well.

To honor the changing season—which is always inspiring, as each one brings its own set of small changes (even something as simple as switching clothes)—I decided to paint a new leaf. Maybe this will become a tradition! You can check out my last one here.

Here a short video of the process.

Add to your cart or download directly from this link! 🙂

And here some shots and inspiration of this year’s fall, #moodygram.

November 30th, 2024


Create, Explore

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