A compendium of my favourite links, tools and gear
I’m always curious about what gear and tools my fellow creatives use, so I can’t but share also what’s my own. For work and for fun!
Note that this is what I use, not what’s best in the market, as I haven’t tried everything. But I’m telling you, for the moment, they work for me. I’m sure this will need updates from time to time and more posts, but this is a good place to start.
I’m also curious, what is a tool or piece of gear that you use you’d never thought it would give so much? Tell me!
- Online courses and learning
- New products, trends and fashion
- Design and creative resources
- Photography
- Better living

Useful links and sites
How to avoid so many ads following you everywhere and getting a bit more privacy
Sometimes I get my hands on someone else’s computer and phone, I’m browsing or trying to watch a video… and I am astounded by the amount of bullshit adds that are all around on the Internet. I live in a different reality. I get some ads on Youtube music when I’ve not being careful about cookies but otherwise, my Internet experience is quite nice and clear. So how can live like this too?
- Adblock (for your favourite browser). Use a plugin to make ads disappear. For some sites you may need to turn it off (magazines and newspapers that will not let you see the page otherwise – although sometimes there are walk-arounds)
- Use a browser that doesn’t track you and blocks most ads (almost LIFESAVING when browsing the internet)
Then, accept that you’ll have to say “no.” Every time you say you consent to have ads better suited to your interests, you are accepting ads and trackers. Also reject cookies as much as possible.
How to cancel previously accepted permissions
Go to these sites and disable and unsubscribe of as many vendors as you can.
- http://www.youronlinechoices.com/
- http://optout.aboutads.info/
- http://optout.networkadvertising.org/
I regularly do that and it helps with the ads I get on Youtube Music and the likes. So maybe it’s worth trying.
This may already be old, but here’s the information that Facebook and Google have about you. And here follows quick steps to get in charge of your information.
- Go to https://myaccount.google.com and review every section.
- Go to https://myaccount.google.com/data-and-personalization and pause all the services you don’t really need. I only keep the Youtube history to keep a record of which videos I saw, in case I want to rewatch any of them. Turn off ad personalisation (anyway, it is more fun to see new unrelated ads, and you won’t be seeing many either). And anyway, on other platforms you’ll still get ads targeted following your earlier conversations, so sure you can say no to some personalitsation by Google.
How to live a different experience on the internet
Nowadays seems we only have two options to get our content : social media or Google. Well, it’s not exactly like that. It’s still possible to browse an internet populated by content made by humans for humans, without tricky algorithms, dark patterns and commercialisation of personal data. Here a few sites that you should know about and that can at least help you in creating your own feed:
- The Indieweb, a community of independent and personal websites (I’m a member already) – Wouldn’t you like to surf a web with more blogs with the real voices of people instead of AI and long posts to sell you ads and affiliates? Join us!
- SEARCH MY SITE a wonderful RSS feed to browse blogs and personal websites. I love discovering content this way!
- BLOGROLL “a humanly curated list of fine personal & independent blogs that are updated regularly. No algorithms ever!”
- Feedle Another blog directory, including podcasts
- Ohh.Directory Another place to discover the blogs and websites of real people, sharing real things. Specially made to browse by interests… but also more randomly.
- Flipboard This is more like a reader, a place to browse the content and new publications from your favorites sites in a cool way, from one place.
- Bloglovin’, the cute blogger’s feed
Sites for learning online
Used and proven sites to learn anything. I wish I had more spare time and energy to focus on learning and being a good student as I once was… But life is calling me to behave differently these days.
Where to find out about new products, trends and fashion
Be on the look out for what’s going on the world, without the gloomy news that are on TV, newspapers and the mainstream media. Choose your sources of information and enjoy knowing what’s new or interesting in fashion and product design.
You can also create alerts for news on topics you are interested in with Google alerts. https://www.google.com/alerts
Design and creative resources
When I was fresh of design school I loved seeing what was going on design sites and getting inspiration for projects. Nowadays I need a reminder (out of Instagram) to get back to it. Useful the skip your known and daily algorithms.
Behance Make your portfolio online or just browse through thousands of projects from creatives all areound the globe. Great for inspiration and trends.
Designmilk News and inspiration of design
Creative Boom Design news, inspiration and articles to keep up-to-date and be inspired
Dribbble Digital creatives sharing their work
Pinterest The web search tool for imagery and inspiration
AD Architectural Digest Design news
The Loop The linkedin for creatives
Assuming we are all already using Instagram (and Tiktok) for the casual photos and bing-watching content, there’s never a bad day to look a bit further and check other sites for a different scope and views. Surely you’ll find someone new to follow, or at least, something different from what you are used to.
Better living
Start here for some good advice on designing a better life for yourself. It’s not exactly self-help but it will help you 😉
Mr Money Mustache blog and forum
Uncategorized (for now)
… more to come.
And for any topic, a great place to start is the forum of the internet, aka Reddit.com.
TOOLS OF THE TRADE and random gear

Apple macbook retina 13 inch processor intel i7. Yes, I bought it before the new M1. It’s my main hardware piece and although a bigger screen would be nicer (I see you 14″) this gets the job done. I cross my fingers it will still last a good amount of years… Anyway, I could not live nor work without a mac. It’s been a romance that started when I was 14.
Wacom Intuos (wireless). The wireless feature is great. It works fine, as all Wacoms. I’m just sad that with the newest laptop I can’t use my bamboo fun tablet, which was my first one, and still works great. For software reasons I can’t use it with modern computers.
Canon 90 D. Canon runs on the family and since my first (reflex) camera was a second-hand Canon 40D I stayed with the brand. I chose this camera for its versatility and the video options, it works great and Canon’s support doesn’t disappoint. For the lenses, I have the common 55-80, nothing special but enough for video and my favourite, a 80-200 that I’ve owned and loved for a long time.

If you really want to create something, having the tools should no be a problem. Below are my favourite free choices. And, as you’ll see below, there’s a lot of software that is free or very affordable. So just start 🙂
– Automator workflows and Apple’s Shortcuts
– Digital photo professional 4 – to go over the photos and select them, it’s Canon software
– Pixelmator (not free but so much more affordable than Photoshop), my photo editor and image maker software of choice. It works so smoothly with my Macbook. It’s not Photoshop, but it’s almost there, I first tried it more than ten years ago and it’s still a promising app. I do most photo editing with it.
– Blender, 3D software. I like doing some 3D from time to time and it has a bit of everything, with great features and good tutorials. For more technical stuff you can try Fusion 360. For designing homes, I love Sweet Home 3D.
– Joplin is my choice for all that is taking notes, making lists, and storing ideas. I synchronize all notes through my devices with the Dropbox connection and it works wonderfully. I’m going to disappoint here, but I don’t use Notion. If I feel I need to write down more data and do a complex file, I just use google sheets. I’m always ready to open a new spreadsheet.
– Canva should a designer NOT recommend Canva? Well, I’m here to do exactly that. Canva is the app of choice for creating images for online purposes. There’s nothing quite like it. From editing the photos for Instagram, making the videos for all social platforms and changing images, it’s the fastes, more organised too to use. Yes, maybe you shouldn’t create a logo with it… but for most digital stuff, it is great.
Random gear and tools
“If you choose well, you will only need to choose once.”

- 6″ 2′ shortboard
- Bodyboard
- 8″ paddle board
- Summer Billabong wetsuit
- Skate cruiser
- Inline roller skates
- Cube roadbike
- Goggles (+fins and weight belt)
- Skis
- Merrell running shoes
- …
I’m pretty confident that I’ve invested a lot more in sports gear than daily clothing… but no need to list that 😛
My beloved inherited Singer sewing machine. It really feels magical being able to make my own clothing and textile products.
A ukulele, that I rarely touch but it sounds like happy times.

Oh, and for my art, I usually use an inherited fountain pen for the line-work, calligraphic inks (Waterman), Van Gogh brushes and cold-pressed watercolor paper (the finer the best, but sometimes you gotta use what you got – depending on the project).

So, what’s something you’d really recommend or a piece of gear or tool you cannot leave without?
Sea you soon!
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November 23rd, 2024|