5 things I love about my city life

How do you find life in the city? I haven’t always been living here and even it has its challenges, it’s nice to rejoice in all the small pleasures it brings. So I’d like to detail some of them and maybe inspire you to think about what you love about where you live right now too.

I realise that tomorrow may be different, hopefully even better, but there will be things to miss and it would be a shame not to notice them while I can still enjoy them.

I hope these will trigger you into thinking about the small joys of your everyday as well.

Here are some of the things I’m enjoying about living in Tarragona right now:

  • 1Warmer, stable temperatures. I live in a coastal town and temperatures lower in winter. I work like 40 km away from it, inland. And let me tell you, it strikes me everyday how good it feels when I get out in the morning walking through the streets to find my car – in contrast of how chilly it is when I step out of it to get into the office. The seasons feel so much better since I moved here. Summer starts earlier, but mostly, spring and autumn are great and the winter seems quite short.
  • 2– I walk by history. Tarragona is a town filled with roman ruins, and not only that, but I live inside the wall, I see it from our flat. And I walk around the gothic cathedral every day and I wonder at those buildings, the architecture and history that surrounds them. There’s a lot to discover if one is curious. And on those mornings when I walk out and it’s still night dark, I can watch the stars and feel how grand the world is and how small my life in it. Then I start walking sluggishly as I’d like to pause and wait for the sunrise… (And detour to the beach and never find my way back…)
  • 3– I can get to buy an ingredient for any recipe in 5 min and be back at home shortly. Or get any service I need, by walking alone. I can go to the supermarket by foot if wanted. I can go window-shopping, at any time, without much more effort than opening the door and walking. And when you’ve spent all your teenage-young adult years needing a ride for it (for many things at least a 15-20’ minute car ride), to be so close to so much feels like a big change. It’s a relief, and you get to appreciate it over time, specially when you build routines, engage in new activities and really need those services. And there’s always something happening, you just need to stay informed.
  • 4– There’s people everywhere. Not always a pleasure, like when there’s a party next door when you want to sleep. BUT. There’s the warm that comes from walking the main streets and seeing the glimpses of the life of strangers. Seeing that there’s so much out there, and so much life. Or meeting friends right there, a minute from home. Or having them come over. Or having a 5’ walk from family and my childhood home. Those are things I never enjoyed before. Who knows how long will it all last like this…
  • 5– The beach. My love. My biggest dream. To have it nearby. Seeing the sea from the window. Getting there in 10 minutes by foot. Or to the marina. Or being able to take the car and go to more beautiful beaches or coastal towns, in minutes. 15 minutes and I have a plethora of coastal views to choose from. I get to run by the beaches. Or cycle by them. I’ve went on boats, sailed and paddle surfed. Surfed too, of course, but there’s so much I can do now. And being there really early in the morning… to marvel at the coastal views while the world is just waking up, is one of my greatest pleasures.

There are disadvantages of living in a coastal city, of course (parking, the price of housing). But for now I just want to enjoy all that’s good. And see what else is in offer that could make life even more enjoyable.

Some other minor details I want to remember from living in this city

  • the summer breeze across the flat
  • the cat lying peacefully and happy always sunbathing
  • the nuns singing across the street
  • all the sunrises, and the starry night and all the city lights
  • the calm and quiet on a Sunday afternoon
  • the breaking waves, that can be heard on heavy days from afar
  • the cargo ships always on the horizon
  • the sunsets from our window, and the lighthouse always guiding the way
  • a couple of birds singing when it’s still dark, the swallows flying around since spring, even the pigeons resting on the balcony and entertaining the cat
  • all the “why don’t we go out” that end with 1.30 h walks by the beach
  • random window shopping strolls
  • getting an insider look to the town festivities
  • going out to lunch in the middle of the week, after a long day of working-from-home
  • riding from here to anywhere with the bike, through the roads I know so well… and so many others I get to discover

I hope I’ll get to add more, or at least, think of more of them… Now, what are the things you love most of your living location?


Sea you soon!


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January 28th, 2024


Dream, Explore

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